The tyranny of woke capitalism

The tyranny of woke capitalism

It often appears that CEOs of some of the largest global corporations have made the cause of the woke their own. Their willingness to join the fray was demonstrated in their response to the launching of GB News in the UK. No sooner was this new, independent news...
Why Boris failed

Why Boris failed

The Demise of Boris Johnson You could hear the army of cynical Eurocrats chuckle as Boris Johnson announced his resignation this week. Their reaction was summed up by the French finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, who said he ‘personally will not miss Johnson’, and that...
Joe Biden’s Woke Imperialism

Joe Biden’s Woke Imperialism

Developing nations have had enough of the West’s lectures Talk of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine turning into a proxy war between Washington and the Kremlin has ratcheted up in recent weeks. But there is another international conflict that already resembles a proxy war,...
The twilight of globalism

The twilight of globalism

This anti-democratic ideology is unravelling before our eyes. Until recently, politicians, academics and journalists assumed that globalisation had rendered the nation state redundant. As they saw it, superior transnational institutions had displaced national forms of...