Throughout history, humanity’s response to major disasters has been shaped by the prevailing attitudes of the day. Our views on the meaning of life, on human efficacy, and on how to manage uncertainty have all impacted on how we deal with severe crises. These...
Politics and the Economy
The witch hunting of Daniel Kawczynski
The ease with which Daniel Kawczynski, the Conservative MP for Shrewsbury, was isolated and asked by officials of his party to apologise for something that does not need or deserve an apology is testimony to the power of the intolerant and illiberal ‘shut-down...
The real lesson of the invasion of Poland
As politicians and pundits commemorate the 80th anniversary of the invasion of Poland, it is telling that there is more focus on this tragic event than ever before. Indeed the horrible events of the Second World War, and particularly the Holocaust, are now readily...
The right to criticise George Soros
Anyone who dares to criticise the billionaire speculator George Soros can expect to be denounced as an anti-Semite. So last week, when Roger Scruton spoke unkindly about Soros in an interview with the New Statesman, it was inevitable that sections of the media would...
Thierry Baudet: not your typical populist
The latest challenge to the European Union political oligarchy comes from the Netherlands, where Thierry Baudet and his Forum voor Democratie emerged as the main winner in last week’s provincial elections. What is remarkable about the FvD’s success is that this is the...
Why I’m sceptical about stories exposing Russian antics
I must admit that when I listen to the news or read the papers, I struggle to know what to believe and what to ignore when it comes to Russia. I really don’t want to join the ranks of the conspiracy theorist so I decided to give the UK government’s version of what...