‘How did British Indians become so prominent in the Conservative Party?’, asked Neha Shah in the Guardian. It is a question many on the identitarian left like to ask. It is based on the assumption that something serious has gone wrong when 15 per cent of the cabinet...
Religion and Belief
Some Islamists cannot be saved
Once again an act of terror has been committed on Britain’s streets by a convicted terrorist who had served only half of his sentence. Twenty-year-old Sudesh Amman, who was released from prison just under two weeks ago, must have laughed at the naivety of the British...
John Locke and the new intolerance
The 17th-century philosopher, John Locke, is often described as the father of modern liberalism. Now a recently discovered manuscript titled ‘Reasons for tolerateing Papists equally with others’ (1667-8) suggests that he was actually more liberal and tolerant than...
Stop this moral crusade against circumcision
The banning of male circumcision and the demonisation of religious freedom has become a cause célèbre among Europe’s moral entrepreneurs in recent years. Now, a group of parliamentarians in Iceland, supported by 422 doctors, has proposed a bill that would prevent...
Don’t blame Corbyn for the rise of anti-Semitism
Suddenly, every critic of the Labour Party and especially its leader Jeremy Corbyn is holding forth on the scourge of anti-Semitism. According to Labour’s critics, Gerry Downing and Vicki Kirby, the two anti-Semitic activists expelled from Labour recently, show...
Mother loses child because of her beliefs
At first I thought that I had misread the report that a 7-year old boy had been taken away from his mother because a judge ruled that the youngster had been damaged by his mother’s religious beliefs! Judge Clifford Bellamy ruled that the boy had been damaged by the...