The British Board of Film Classification has stepped into the trans debate by highlighting five films for families to watch and discuss. But it’s not the job of an official censor to promote films that advocate certain ideologies. Who would have imagined that, one...
Eight new rules for parenting post lockdown
Family rules and routines have been relaxed, or even abandoned, over the past few months. A parenting expert says it’s time for adults to take back control at home. Who won’t admit that lockdown has played havoc with the way we parent our children? For many families,...
The bonds that hold society together are breaking
Teaching children to ‘know their boundaries’ is a vital part of their education. This is because throughout the history of mankind, boundaries have played a key role in communities making moral distinctions between right and wrong. But increasingly today, those...
Parents, overcome your fears
Schools can't stay locked down forever. It's time for bravery and action. Survey after survey suggests that a significant section of the public fears the ending of the lockdown. Such anxieties are especially pronounced among parents, many of whom reacted with...
Play ‘self-identity’, make yourself up as you go
Until recently only children were expected to play and pretend they were someone else — a scary lion, Alexander the Great or Superman. Now adults, too, can join in and get to decide how they want to be seen and identified. Britain’s Universities and Colleges Union has...
The gender-neutral attack on motherhood
I was genuinely shocked by the news that Freddy McConnell, a transgender man who retained his female reproductive organs and gave birth to a child, lost his High Court case to be registered as the child’s ‘father’ or ‘parent’. I wasn’t shocked because I disagree with...
The toxic legacy of parent shaming – and the damage it does to children
Intensive parenting has become the latest target of parent shaming. Having been instructed to constantly supervise their children, parents are now being lectured about the dangers of doing just that. Those who “over-parent” their offspring are being denounced for...
A war that begins in the nursery
Unlike the 19th century Kulturkampf associated with the name of Bismarck, those of today appear over apparently very small- outwardly non-political battles. They often focus on differences of opinion about the nature of family life, how children should be raised and...
Paranoid parenting means university students are treated as kids
In the 21st century answers can range from 18 to 21 through to 26 and all the way up to the early 30s. Sociologists have invented an intermediate phase between childhood and adulthood, a stage of extended adolescence that is said to last until the late 20s. Once upon...