I wince when I read when someone wants to promiscuously brand any group they don’t like ‘terrorists’. The recent calls to expand it to include the misogynist ‘incel’ movement are a perfect example of the term’s devaluation. Incels, are ‘involuntary celibates’ who...
Culture Wars
Even conspiracy theorists like David Miller must have freedom of speech
I don’t know what’s going on inside the head of Professor David Miller of Bristol University. I do know that he is a fantasist devoted to conspiratorial thinking. I also know he hates Israel, and Jewish people who take exception to his vile polemics against Zionism....
Classical Music Racist?
A scandal involving an obscure music journal confirms that the crusade against whiteness is out of control. In a world where, sooner or later, everything is racialised, it was only a matter of time before classical music became a target of the crusade against...
We’ll soon have thought police exploring our private lives
Silence the wolf whistles, don’t say ‘you look lovely in lycra’ to that woman at the gym, and don’t tweet about transgender women not being real women. You could be breaking the law and be charged. Welcome to an Orwellian world where what you think about women, gays...
Is it now okay to kill people we find offensive?
The use of guns is becoming a common feature of the protests and violence raging in many parts of the United States. The way in which the Wisconsin city of Kenosha has been turned into a veritable warzone suggests that some people now see destructive behaviour as a...
Eight new rules for parenting post lockdown
Family rules and routines have been relaxed, or even abandoned, over the past few months. A parenting expert says it’s time for adults to take back control at home. Who won’t admit that lockdown has played havoc with the way we parent our children? For many families,...
The bonds that hold society together are breaking
Teaching children to ‘know their boundaries’ is a vital part of their education. This is because throughout the history of mankind, boundaries have played a key role in communities making moral distinctions between right and wrong. But increasingly today, those...
The culture war against the past
The cultural conflicts that have engulfed much of the Western world threaten to detach our societies from their past. Almost seamlessly the numerous disputes that have erupted over identity, race, gender and family life have reinforced one another and intermeshed. But...
Why did the protests over George Floyd turn into mass hysteria?
A new culture of groupthink is emerging, and it is causing mass psychosis. One of the most distinctive things about the eruption of Black Lives Matter protests across the world is the speed with which they were endorsed by virtually every powerful institution and...
The ceaseless culture war against Hungary
Western cultural elites despise Hungary because it refuses to play by their political rules. If you listen to the Western media, you might think that in the weeks following the outbreak of Covid-19 the government of Hungary had transformed itself into a brutal...