Culture Wars

Classical Music Racist?

Classical Music Racist?

A scandal involving an obscure music journal confirms that the crusade against whiteness is out of control. In a world where, sooner or later, everything is racialised, it was only a matter of time before classical music became a target of the crusade against...

The culture war against the past

The culture war against the past

The cultural conflicts that have engulfed much of the Western world threaten to detach our societies from their past. Almost seamlessly the numerous disputes that have erupted over identity, race, gender and family life have reinforced one another and intermeshed. But...

The ceaseless culture war against Hungary

The ceaseless culture war against Hungary

Western cultural elites despise Hungary because it refuses to play by their political rules. If you listen to the Western media, you might think that in the weeks following the outbreak of Covid-19 the government of Hungary had transformed itself into a brutal...