Gender ideology is not about liberation – it is about coercion and control. Transgenderism has emerged as one of the most influential ideologies of our time. It is shaping people’s behaviour and thought in pursuit of a specific political objective – the erosion of the...
100 years of the culture war
For almost two decades, I have been attempting to understand the origins and drivers of the culture war that has now engulfed the West. Many paint it as a continuation of the age-old conflict between left and right. But that is misleading. If anything, today’s...
They Are Coming For The Classics
Why am I not surprised to read the Welsh National Opera will run a series of lectures on Madame Butterfly to highlight issues of “imperialism and colonialism”? Because in recent years it has become increasingly fashionable to frame Western art and culture in a...
The classroom culture war
Saving education from the forces that wish to politicise it is one the most important cultural challenges of our time “My child has been told in a series of assemblies that she ‘has white privilege’, thatshe ‘subconsciously perpetuates it’, may even ‘consciously enjoy...
We dismiss the culture war at our peril
Unless we win the culture war, society will never meet the needs of ordinary people. Time and again, media commentators insist that the culture wars are a distraction from the big issues of our time, such as the cost-of-living crisis. They often argue that ordinary...
Classical Music Racist?
A scandal involving an obscure music journal confirms that the crusade against whiteness is out of control. In a world where, sooner or later, everything is racialised, it was only a matter of time before classical music became a target of the crusade against...
Eight new rules for parenting post lockdown
Family rules and routines have been relaxed, or even abandoned, over the past few months. A parenting expert says it’s time for adults to take back control at home. Who won’t admit that lockdown has played havoc with the way we parent our children? For many families,...
The bonds that hold society together are breaking
Teaching children to ‘know their boundaries’ is a vital part of their education. This is because throughout the history of mankind, boundaries have played a key role in communities making moral distinctions between right and wrong. But increasingly today, those...
Why age is the new dividing line in politics
The General Election demonstrated yet again that the most important division in UK politics is between old and young. Survey after survey indicates that there is a stark difference in the voting behaviour of the generations. According to a recent YouGov survey, 56 per...
Scaring children witless
‘Eco-anxiety’ has become the latest fashionable malaise. Apparently it is afflicting many children. That kids as young as four and five are feeling anxious about the climate is not surprising – after all, they are fed a diet of doomsday scenarios by the new...