
Classical Music Racist?

Classical Music Racist?

A scandal involving an obscure music journal confirms that the crusade against whiteness is out of control. In a world where, sooner or later, everything is racialised, it was only a matter of time before classical music became a target of the crusade against...

Uma Guerra Civil Nos Eua?

A mídia recusa-se a noticiar o que é evidente aos olhos de seus espectadores, e intelectuais argumentam que “saques e protestos violentos são vivenciados como eventos alegres e libertadores” No verão passado, quando fiz uma viagem de carro com minha esposa pelos...

Identity politics is turning violent

Identity politics is turning violent

One of the most disturbing and fascinating developments in contemporary public debate is the attempt to normalise looting. Since the outbreak of Black Lives Matter protests a few months ago, there have been various efforts to rehabilitate violence and looting as...

Are we allowed to call them riots?

Are we allowed to call them riots?

I understand why so many Americans took to the streets after witnessing the slow, painful execution of George Floyd. A powerful sense of racial injustice, combined with concerns about the devastating impact that the Covid pandemic is having on African-Americans, gave...

The Labour Party’s problem with Jews

The Labour Party’s problem with Jews

As someone who is naturally suspicious about the idea that racism, xenophobia, homophobia and Islamophobia are on the rise, I felt sceptical towards the claim that anti-Semitism has become widespread in the Labour Party. But now my scepticism is waning. This looks...

Roger Hallam’s insult to Holocaust victims

Roger Hallam’s insult to Holocaust victims

No doubt many people were appalled when they heard that Roger Hallam, the co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, had told the German weekly die Zeit that there was nothing special about the Holocaust. He said genocides happen all the time. ‘In fact’, he said, ‘you might...