
The tyranny of woke capitalism

The tyranny of woke capitalism

It often appears that CEOs of some of the largest global corporations have made the cause of the woke their own. Their willingness to join the fray was demonstrated in their response to the launching of GB News in the UK. No sooner was this new, independent news...

Why Boris failed

Why Boris failed

The Demise of Boris Johnson You could hear the army of cynical Eurocrats chuckle as Boris Johnson announced his resignation this week. Their reaction was summed up by the French finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, who said he ‘personally will not miss Johnson’, and that...

Joe Biden’s Woke Imperialism

Joe Biden’s Woke Imperialism

Developing nations have had enough of the West’s lectures Talk of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine turning into a proxy war between Washington and the Kremlin has ratcheted up in recent weeks. But there is another international conflict that already resembles a proxy war,...

The twilight of globalism

The twilight of globalism

This anti-democratic ideology is unravelling before our eyes. Until recently, politicians, academics and journalists assumed that globalisation had rendered the nation state redundant. As they saw it, superior transnational institutions had displaced national forms of...

Ukraine and the new world disorder

The US and Russia are once again trying to decide the future of Europe. Seventy-seven years on, are we on the road to another Yalta?After all, it was the signing of the postwar settlement at Yalta in Crimea that led to the division of Europe between the Great Power...

The demonisation of Poland and Hungary

The demonisation of Poland and Hungary

Pro-EU media are wrong to portray them as would-be dictatorships. In our polarised media landscape, myths and untruths can spread like wildfire. In the absence of discussion and debate, journalists today often end up cultivating parallel realities. They see what they...

The Culture War Against the Past

The Culture War Against the Past

The mere hint that a point of view is outdated serves as a signal that it need not be taken seriously. It can be legitimately vilified and condemned. As a sociology professor, I often take note of how students, faculty, and administration speak about topics of...

The Trans Assault On Freedom

The Trans Assault On Freedom

Gender ideology is not about liberation – it is about coercion and control. Transgenderism has emerged as one of the most influential ideologies of our time. It is shaping people’s behaviour and thought in pursuit of a specific political objective – the erosion of the...

100 years of the culture war

100 years of the culture war

For almost two decades, I have been attempting to understand the origins and drivers of the culture war that has now engulfed the West. Many paint it as a continuation of the age-old conflict between left and right. But that is misleading. If anything, today’s...

They Are Coming For The Classics

They Are Coming For The Classics

Why am I not surprised to read the Welsh National Opera will run a series of lectures on Madame Butterfly to highlight issues of “imperialism and colonialism”? Because in recent years it has become increasingly fashionable to frame Western art and culture in a...

The classroom culture war

The classroom culture war

Saving education from the forces that wish to politicise it is one the most important cultural challenges of our time “My child has been told in a series of assemblies that she ‘has white privilege’, thatshe ‘subconsciously perpetuates it’, may even ‘consciously enjoy...

The culture war is real and it’s getting worse

The culture war is real and it’s getting worse

Ignore the culture war denialists – we really are in the midst of an existential struggle over the future of society. Unlike the German Kulturkampf of the 19th century – the cultural conflict between Bismarck’s Kingdom of Prussia and the Roman Catholic Church –...



For almost half a century, fear has dominated the outlook of Western societies. One of the distinctive features of this outlook is the tendency always to think the worst. And it is this tendency that has exerted an all too powerful influence over policymakers and...

Who made woke capitalists gods?

Who made woke capitalists gods?

When Scott Morrison raised the alarm about the rise of identity politics, was he thinking about its ascendancy in the world of business? For Australian corporations, like their competitors abroad, have decided that going woke is good for business. They are not simply...

Challenging Our Fatalistic Addiction to Safety

Challenging Our Fatalistic Addiction to Safety

The aim of this essay is to explore the impact of contemporary safety consciousness on the reaction to threats like COVID-19 and, more generally, on the way society fears. It argues that in recent years, safety has been sacralised to the point that it has become a...

The Therapy Industry Invents Re-entry Syndrome

The Therapy Industry Invents Re-entry Syndrome

Watch out, fellow Covid inmates – our long-awaited liberation from house arrest may apparently cause anxiety, stress and ‘Reentry Syndrome’. Or is this all just another case of ‘Makee-Uppee Syndrome’? Why am I not surprised that mental health charities are now warning...

Turning misogyny into a hate crime is a travesty of justice

Turning misogyny into a hate crime is a travesty of justice

By criminalising misogyny we accept the totalitarian idea of thought crime, because in a just society people are prosecuted for what they do, but not what they think. Have you noticed that we live in an age where a variety of different campaigns are constantly calling...

We are Addicted To Addiction

We are Addicted To Addiction

The medicalisation of everyday problems – such as spending too much time on your phone – is stunting our development. It is creating a society of powerless ‘patients’ who refuse to take accountability for their actions. So, what are we to make of a recently published...

Classical Music Racist?

Classical Music Racist?

A scandal involving an obscure music journal confirms that the crusade against whiteness is out of control. In a world where, sooner or later, everything is racialised, it was only a matter of time before classical music became a target of the crusade against...

Big Brother comes to America

Big Brother comes to America

8 February 2021 Experts in the US are calling for the creation of a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth. At first I couldn’t believe what I was reading. A writer for the New York Times was enthusiastically supporting a call made by ‘several experts’ around the...

We need scepticism more than ever

We need scepticism more than ever

Thanks to the Enlightenment, and the development of scientific thought and technology, the sceptical mind has largely been at home during the modern era. But not anymore, it seems.This is because the freedom of speech on which scepticism depends has come under...

Towards a fearless future

Towards a fearless future

When governments the world over began imposing lockdowns in response to Covid-19 earlier this year, I was surprised by just how many people were comfortable with such measures. Nine months later, and little has changed. Millions, it seems, have learned to live in...

Democracy besieged

Democracy besieged

From anti-populists to environmentalists, too many regard democracy as an obstacle to their aims. When was the last time you came across a book whole-heartedly celebrating democracy? Or an op-ed saying we can trust people to make wise decisions about the future of...

We’ll soon have thought police exploring our private lives

We’ll soon have thought police exploring our private lives

Silence the wolf whistles, don’t say ‘you look lovely in lycra’ to that woman at the gym, and don’t tweet about transgender women not being real women. You could be breaking the law and be charged. Welcome to an Orwellian world where what you think about women, gays...

The crusade against the Enlightenment

The crusade against the Enlightenment

Edinburgh University has decided to take yet another step to distance itself from its most important intellectual legacy – the Scottish Enlightenment. It has decided to rename its David Hume Tower because some students claim that the 18th-century philosopher’s views...

Uma Guerra Civil Nos Eua?

A mídia recusa-se a noticiar o que é evidente aos olhos de seus espectadores, e intelectuais argumentam que “saques e protestos violentos são vivenciados como eventos alegres e libertadores” No verão passado, quando fiz uma viagem de carro com minha esposa pelos...

Identity politics is turning violent

Identity politics is turning violent

One of the most disturbing and fascinating developments in contemporary public debate is the attempt to normalise looting. Since the outbreak of Black Lives Matter protests a few months ago, there have been various efforts to rehabilitate violence and looting as...

The humiliation of Western history

The humiliation of Western history

The most important issue at stake in the culture war is who controls the narrative through which society understands itself. At present, those controlling the narrative appear to be committed to reorganising society’s historical memory, and disputing and...

The culture war against the past

The culture war against the past

The cultural conflicts that have engulfed much of the Western world threaten to detach our societies from their past. Almost seamlessly the numerous disputes that have erupted over identity, race, gender and family life have reinforced one another and intermeshed. But...

An ideology without a name

An ideology without a name

In recent weeks, the Culture War has been widely discussed in the media. Yet there is a lack of clarity about what this conflict is about, who started it, and what are the issues at stake. Many activists targeting historical statues or calling into question the...

Give this wilful traitor an honest trial

Give this wilful traitor an honest trial

Why is the UK more concerned about Shamima Begum’s citizenship than bringing her to justice? It is essential she faces a jury in a British court, so the public can fully understand why traiterous behaviour is unacceptable. I agree with the Court of Appeal’s ruling...

The ceaseless culture war against Hungary

The ceaseless culture war against Hungary

Western cultural elites despise Hungary because it refuses to play by their political rules. If you listen to the Western media, you might think that in the weeks following the outbreak of Covid-19 the government of Hungary had transformed itself into a brutal...

Parents, overcome your fears

Parents, overcome your fears

Schools can't stay locked down forever. It's time for bravery and action. Survey after survey suggests that a significant section of the public fears the ending of the lockdown. Such anxieties are especially pronounced among parents, many of whom reacted with...

The birth of the culture wars

The birth of the culture wars

Many pundits and politicians seem to blame UK prime minister Boris Johnson for provoking the latest installment of the culture wars that now dominate Anglo-American public life. Sections of the media, from the New York Times to the Guardian, have claimed that Johnson...

The identitarians are winning the culture wars

The identitarians are winning the culture wars

spiked 12 June 2020 This is the second part of a two-part essay exploring the development of the culture wars. Read the first part here. Until recently, discussions about the culture war tended to be confined to the margins of public life. Often, academics and...

Are we allowed to call them riots?

Are we allowed to call them riots?

I understand why so many Americans took to the streets after witnessing the slow, painful execution of George Floyd. A powerful sense of racial injustice, combined with concerns about the devastating impact that the Covid pandemic is having on African-Americans, gave...

Don’t sacrifice freedom at the altar of safety

Don’t sacrifice freedom at the altar of safety

It is clear that many people throughout Europe and beyond really fear the threat posed by the coronavirus. So much so that the vast majority have willingly abandoned their way of life, given up their rights and fundamental freedoms, and accepted a government-imposed...

Adversity begets brave new world

Disasters have a nasty habit of appearing from nowhere. They catch communities unaware, and people struggle to understand what a disaster such as COVID-19 really means. Finding meaning in an apparently meaningless threat to human lives has continually invited...

A disaster without precedent

A disaster without precedent

Covid-19 is a disaster without precedent. Not primarily in terms of the disease itself, but in terms of how we have responded to it.The impact of Covid-19 on people’s lives and on economic, social and global relations, both now and in the future, is likely to be more...

How to win the campus free-speech wars

How to win the campus free-speech wars

I became a university lecturer almost 50 years ago, in 1974. At that time in British higher education, there were occasional attempts to shut down discussion and limit freedom of speech. But the vast majority of academics and students were relatively open-minded, and...

The witch hunting of Daniel Kawczynski

The witch hunting of Daniel Kawczynski

The ease with which Daniel Kawczynski, the Conservative MP for Shrewsbury, was isolated and asked by officials of his party to apologise for something that does not need or deserve an apology is testimony to the power of the intolerant and illiberal ‘shut-down...

Some Islamists cannot be saved

Some Islamists cannot be saved

Once again an act of terror has been committed on Britain’s streets by a convicted terrorist who had served only half of his sentence. Twenty-year-old Sudesh Amman, who was released from prison just under two weeks ago, must have laughed at the naivety of the British...

Coronavirus and the culture of fear

Coronavirus and the culture of fear

There is nothing unusual about the outbreak of a new virus. In fact, in recent years, such outbreaks have become almost normal. Avian flu in Hong Kong in 1997, the West Nile virus in New York in 1999, the MERS virus discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2012, the outburst of...

Why young and old people need to mix

Why young and old people need to mix

A few years ago, when I visited a well-known music venue in Nashville, Tennessee, I was struck by a feeling that there was something unusual going on in this place. It took a few minutes before I realised what was special about the venue: it was jam-packed with people...

Why age is the new dividing line in politics

Why age is the new dividing line in politics

The General Election demonstrated yet again that the most important division in UK politics is between old and young. Survey after survey indicates that there is a stark difference in the voting behaviour of the generations. According to a recent YouGov survey, 56 per...

The Labour Party’s problem with Jews

The Labour Party’s problem with Jews

As someone who is naturally suspicious about the idea that racism, xenophobia, homophobia and Islamophobia are on the rise, I felt sceptical towards the claim that anti-Semitism has become widespread in the Labour Party. But now my scepticism is waning. This looks...

Play ‘self-identity’, make yourself up as you go

Play ‘self-identity’, make yourself up as you go

Until recently only children were expected to play and pretend they were someone else — a scary lion, Alexander the Great or Superman. Now adults, too, can join in and get to decide how they want to be seen and identified. Britain’s Universities and Colleges Union has...

Roger Hallam’s insult to Holocaust victims

Roger Hallam’s insult to Holocaust victims

No doubt many people were appalled when they heard that Roger Hallam, the co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, had told the German weekly die Zeit that there was nothing special about the Holocaust. He said genocides happen all the time. ‘In fact’, he said, ‘you might...

We need to talk about anti-Semitism

We need to talk about anti-Semitism

I felt genuinely spooked when I heard that gravestones in a 300-year-old Jewish cemetery in Rochester in Kent had been smashed just a few hours before Yom Kippur. I live close to Rochester, so I took this act of anti-Semitic vandalism a little personally. But what...

The war over words

The war over words

The issue of language is becoming more and more acrimonious and controversial. Politicians are attacked not so much for their views and policies as for the words they use. And this new policing of language is not confined to politically motivated censors. Even the...

The gender-neutral attack on motherhood

The gender-neutral attack on motherhood

I was genuinely shocked by the news that Freddy McConnell, a transgender man who retained his female reproductive organs and gave birth to a child, lost his High Court case to be registered as the child’s ‘father’ or ‘parent’. I wasn’t shocked because I disagree with...

Scaring children witless

Scaring children witless

‘Eco-anxiety’ has become the latest fashionable malaise. Apparently it is afflicting many children. That kids as young as four and five are feeling anxious about the climate is not surprising – after all, they are fed a diet of doomsday scenarios by the new...

John Locke and the new intolerance

John Locke and the new intolerance

The 17th-century philosopher, John Locke, is often described as the father of modern liberalism. Now a recently discovered manuscript titled ‘Reasons for tolerateing Papists equally with others’ (1667-8) suggests that he was actually more liberal and tolerant than...

The turn against motherhood

The turn against motherhood

There is a difference between an individual deciding not to have children and someone embracing the view that there is something inherently wrong with motherhood and giving birth to children. Individuals have always made choices about whether or not to have kids and...

Is disability the new normal?

Is disability the new normal?

Students in higher education are increasingly classified as either disabled or as suffering from mental-health issues. Disability on campuses has become the new normal and there is a growing demand for providing students with extra time to take exams or with an...

A global culture war

A global culture war

As far as the mainstream Western media are concerned, Vladimir Putin’s interview during the recent G20 summit with the Financial Times was nothing short of a provocation. The Russian president declared liberalism ‘obsolete’. He criticised Western liberalism as a tired...

Manufacturing anxiety

Manufacturing anxiety

How the mental-health panic is messing up the next generation. We live in a world in which children and young people are constantly told they are at risk of mental illness. Report after report claims that an epidemic of stress, anxiety, depression and other ailments...

The right to criticise George Soros

The right to criticise George Soros

Anyone who dares to criticise the billionaire speculator George Soros can expect to be denounced as an anti-Semite. So last week, when Roger Scruton spoke unkindly about Soros in an interview with the New Statesman, it was inevitable that sections of the media would...

Thierry Baudet: not your typical populist

Thierry Baudet: not your typical populist

The latest challenge to the European Union political oligarchy comes from the Netherlands, where Thierry Baudet and his Forum voor Democratie emerged as the main winner in last week’s provincial elections. What is remarkable about the FvD’s success is that this is the...

Don’t turn the Christchurch killer into Voldemort

Don’t turn the Christchurch killer into Voldemort

I can totally understand why New Zealand’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern stated that she will never utter the name of the Christchurch mass murderer. She declared in a statement to parliament this week that, ‘He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist....

A perpetual war of identities

A perpetual war of identities

Identity politics has been steadily growing in influence. Until recently, however, the promoters of identity politics tended to deny that they were adhering to an identitarian perspective. They often argued that ‘identity politics’ was an invention of the right –...

Why identity politics has been so bad for Jews

Why identity politics has been so bad for Jews

It is difficult to know what to make of anti-Semitism in the 21st century. Survey after survey indicates that it is on the rise, particularly in France and Germany. This trend is even noticeable in societies – like Denmark and Sweden – that were historically...

Competitive self-harm

Competitive self-harm

It is difficult not to feel distressed and saddened by the death of Molly Russell. She is the 14-year-old British schoolgirl whose suicide has been widely reported in the media. News sources were quick to suggest that her death was directly or indirectly linked with...

Our age of anxiety

Our age of anxiety

“We look upon our epoch as a time of troubles, an age of anxiety. The grounds of our civilisation, of our certitude, are breaking up under our feet, and familiar ideas and institutions vanish as we reach for them, like shadows in the failing dusk.” When, inspired by...

The crusade against masculinity

The crusade against masculinity

Toxic masculinity has emerged as the target of choice of many identitarians. That said, the term itself has almost become redundant, since masculinity itself is now increasingly framed as toxic, as a kind of poison. The recent entry of the term ‘toxic masculinity’...

Academics need courage, not anonymity

Academics need courage, not anonymity

As a university professor and fervent advocate of academic freedom and free speech, I felt uneasy when I heard that an international group of academics is planning to launch a new journal that will publish anonymously written articles on sensitive topics. The...

Tragic that love of country is now off the syllabus

Tragic that love of country is now off the syllabus

Sadly far too many people wish to ignore rather than remember the brave soldiers who fought to defend their country in the past. As we head toward the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, it is evident that our age-old ritual of Remembrance is often...

The politicisation of identity

The politicisation of identity

Public life today is dominated by the politicisation of identity. The grand narratives of the age of ideology have given way to a cacophony of demands for validation from the latest cause-seekers to enter the marketplace of identities. So no sooner is white privilege...

Who’s guiding our children?

Who’s guiding our children?

Though I am not a Tory I was deeply unsettled when I heard Sion Rickard, a teaching assistant, declare on the podium of the Labour Party conference that if we give children a “proper education” they “wouldn’t vote for the Conservatives”. In case anyone missed his...

The great jerk rice debate (what a waste of time!)

The great jerk rice debate (what a waste of time!)

Poor old Jamie Oliver. He has unwittingly made the mistake of launching a new quick-cooking product titled Punchy Jerk Rice. If he had only called it Quick-Cooking Jamie Rice no one would have accused him of the newly invented sin of cultural appropriation. But...

Identity politics has conquered the Westminster bubble

Identity politics has conquered the Westminster bubble

Something strange has happened to British politics: more and more social and political grievances are being aired and conducted through accusations and counter-accusations of Islamophobia or anti-Semitism or some other form of prejudice. This ‘racism’ game seems to be...

The first culture war

The first culture war

As we mark the hundredth anniversary of the end of the First World War, it is clear that the moral wounds it inflicted on Western culture have not healed. Recent incidents, such as the rejection of Remembrance Day poppies by Cambridge University Students’ Union...

Why Labour has a problem with Jews

Why Labour has a problem with Jews

The attitude of certain sections of the British Labour Party towards Jews raises some important and difficult questions. One of the most striking things in this scandal is that the very term anti-Semitic has become the subject of controversy. In the post-Holocaust...

A war that begins in the nursery

A war that begins in the nursery

Unlike the 19th century Kulturkampf associated with the name of Bismarck, those of today appear over apparently very small- outwardly non-political battles. They often focus on differences of opinion about the nature of family life, how children should be raised and...

‘The fear of populism is really a fear of the masses’

‘The fear of populism is really a fear of the masses’

It often feels like we live in uniquely fearful times – a time of food scares, terrorism and a pervasive fear of the future. In politics, fear, we’re told, is the currency of the day – from the alleged fearmongering of populists to the Project Fear tactics of...

Gyáva lett a nyugati ember – Frank Furedi a Mandinernek

A mai nyugati ember szégyelli a kultúráját és fél a kihívásoktól – mondja Frank Furedi brit szociológus. A magyar származású tudós szerint noha sokan járnak egyetemre, kevés a valódi értelmiségi. A professzort az egyetemi oktatásról, a fiatalok neveléséről, a...

1968: The birth of the new conformism

1968: The birth of the new conformism

From the standpoint of history, 1968 represents a brief interregnum. It did mark the end of the apathetic era of the 1950s. But it also foreshadowed the era of depoliticised conformism that kicked in in the early 1970s. To understand the meaning of 1968, one has to...

Stop this moral crusade against circumcision

Stop this moral crusade against circumcision

The banning of male circumcision and the demonisation of religious freedom has become a cause célèbre among Europe’s moral entrepreneurs in recent years. Now, a group of parliamentarians in Iceland, supported by 422 doctors, has proposed a bill that would prevent...

A radical life

A radical life

‘Everything seemed to come alive and everything seemed possible. It was a very defining experience in the sense that it made me feel that there is always an alternative.’ So says Frank Furedi, prolific author, commentator, academic, frequent contributor to these...

Review: Not safe, just absurdly soft

Review: Not safe, just absurdly soft

As if Australia Day isn’t dangerous enough for the culturally insensitive, we are now advised not to celebrate the Australian belief in mateship and the fair go. The language police at Macquarie University have declared these are dangerous stereotypes, generalised...

A revolt against deference

A revolt against deference

When political commentators talk of the emergence of a post-truth world, they are really lamenting the end of an era when the truths promoted by the institutions of the state and media were rarely challenged. It’s a lament that’s been coming for a few years now. Each...

Nincs szükség egy európai transznacionális birodalomra

Nincs szükség egy európai transznacionális birodalomra

Az EU-párti technokraták és értelmiségiek gyakran úgy tekintenek az évszázadok során kialakult európai hagyományokra és értékekre, hogy azok a 21. században egyrészt idejétmúltak, másrészt hogy több szempontból is problematikusak és hibásak – nyilatkozta az Origónak...

Don’t blame Corbyn for the rise of anti-Semitism

Don’t blame Corbyn for the rise of anti-Semitism

Suddenly, every critic of the Labour Party and especially its leader Jeremy Corbyn is holding forth on the scourge of anti-Semitism. According to Labour’s critics, Gerry Downing and Vicki Kirby,  the two anti-Semitic activists expelled from Labour recently, show...

Operation Midland: Treating fiction as fact

Operation Midland: Treating fiction as fact

Thankfully, it seems that Operation Midland, the Metropolitan Police’s investigation into an alleged establishment paedophile ring, has become so discredited that it will soon collapse. Over the past three years, we have seen a proliferation of police operations and...

No, it’s not ‘just like slavery’

No, it’s not ‘just like slavery’

Whenever someone declares, ‘it’s just like slavery’, it is useful to remind yourself that the only thing that is ‘just like slavery’ is slavery. Because of its highly charged association with human evil, the term slavery has been hijacked by numerous moral...

Mother loses child because of her beliefs

Mother loses child because of her beliefs

At first I thought that I had misread the report that a 7-year old boy had been taken away from his mother because a judge ruled that the youngster had been damaged by his mother’s religious beliefs! Judge Clifford Bellamy ruled that the boy had been damaged by the...

Why the Armenian genocide still haunts the world

Why the Armenian genocide still haunts the world

The genocide inflicted on the Armenian people a century ago continues to haunt the world. Last Sunday, Pope Francis referred to the 1915 mass slaughter of Armenians by Ottoman Turkey as the ‘first genocide of the twentieth century’. He demanded that the global...

In defence of privacy

In defence of privacy

In the twenty-first century, the privacy of individuals, groups and institutions is continually being tested, by a variety of forces that seem determined to undermine it. Computer hackers threaten to uncover the most personal details about our lives. Reports of...

The real clash is within civilisations

The aim of this slim volume of essays, The Clash of Civilisations? The Debate: Twentieth Anniversary Edition, is to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of Samuel Huntington’s controversial article, ‘The clash of civilisations’. It republishes the original article as...

Possibilities for fear remain endless

Possibilities for fear remain endless

In the contemporary vocabulary of public life, the term climate change signals the idea of an alarming threat, which in turn demands that something must be done immediately. This script is not used simply by environmentalists insisting that we adopt a low-carbon...

Japan: a catastrophe, not a disaster movie

Japan: a catastrophe, not a disaster movie

The devastation unleashed by the mega earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan last Friday is one of the greatest disasters the country has faced. Yet the Japanese refuse to respond as if they are two-bit extras in a Hollywood disaster movie. By all accounts, people...

Treating human beings as little more than carbon

Treating human beings as little more than carbon

Below a picture of 12 black babies, the caption warns: ‘Babies in Dakar, Senegal.’ Then, with a literary sigh of relief, the subtitle to the caption points out that a ‘cost analysis commissioned by [the Optimum Population Trust] claims that family planning is the...

New King Herods target babies as potential polluters

New King Herods target babies as potential polluters

It is reported that the British government-sponsored Sustainable Development Commission believes that curbing peoples’ right to reproduce should be central to the fight against global warming. Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the commission and is also a patron of the...

Why the British elite is so scared of babies

Why the British elite is so scared of babies

Most normal adults regard a new baby as an object of love and affection. Traditionally, a new life has been seen as a blessing, as a symbol of humanity’s hopes for a better future. Thankfully, many of us still think this way. Yet Western culture has also become prey...